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How to Maintain Your Hair When Traveling - travel hair care tips, colored hair care tips, moroccanoil color completeHow to Maintain Your Hair When Traveling - travel hair care tips, colored hair care tips, moroccanoil color complete // Notjessfashion.comI just got back from Europe and wanted to give you guys the lowdown on my haircare routine while I was traveling. This year, I have been committed to having smooth, tangle-free hair and bright locks that look and feel healthy all the time. Since I just colored my hair for the first time in years last month, color care has been a high priority.

Hair color and health can be tricky to upkeep when traveling to humid, beachy climates and spending much time outdoors. It can take a toll on your mane in a variety of ways. And if you travel to the kinds of places I do, then your hair is at risk of salt and sun damage, which can ultimately tarnish its color. You can prevent the negative impact on your hair’s color and health during long trips by having the right products in place. If you want to learn more about maximum color care and protection, read on for my tips.
How to Maintain Your Hair When Traveling - travel hair care tips, colored hair care tips, moroccanoil color complete // Notjessfashion.comHow to Maintain Your Hair When Traveling - travel hair care tips, colored hair care tips, moroccanoil color complete //

Invest in at least one great product and bring it with you

You guys know I have been on the Moroccanoil Color Complete regimen and I can’t tell you how life-changing it has been for me. I have avoided coloring my hair for such a long time in fear of damage. During this trip, I used the Moroccanoil Protect & Prevent Spray religiously to keep my hair healthy and vibrant no matter where I was. I applied it everyday on the shaft of my hair through the ends while it was still damp, and then combed the product through my hair. I can officially report that I haven’t experienced textural or color changes in my hair since dying it weeks ago. Between France, Monaco, and Italy, this spray protected my hair from the sun and maintained the color all the while leaving my hair soft enough for styling. The lesson here is to invest in at least one great multi-tasking product and bring it on your trips.
How to Maintain Your Hair When Traveling - travel hair care tips, colored hair care tips, moroccanoil color complete //

Pare back on heat

Since you typically won’t bring your entire haircare arsenal with you on trips, I recommend paring back on chemical-laden products and heat tools as it can lead to breakage and split ends. However, if you have the Moroccanoil Protect & Prevent Spray on hand, then you don’t have to worry so much about the heat part.

Thoroughly cleanse your hair

A portion of this trip was business-related, so I styled my hair quite a bit using many products like hairspray, texturizer, and dry shampoo. To prevent product build up, thoroughly cleanse your hair.

My hair color remains a high priority (I really don’t like brassy hair) so I stuck with the Moroccanoil Color Complete kit. The shampoo and conditioner are excellent at cleansing and nourishing the hair.

Don’t over wash and Do brush regularly

My last tip is not over wash unless you’ve been spending tons of time in the sea or pool. Try sticking to washing every other day or only three times a week. And maybe you already know this, but brush your hair. In my younger years, I have gone two days without brushing while on vacation, and I can tell you that trying to pull out tangles and brush through knots only does more damage.


What are some ways you maintain your hair when traveling?
How to Maintain Your Hair When Traveling - travel hair care tips, colored hair care tips, moroccanoil color complete //